
Online Video - Boost Your Brand Image

Boost Your Brand Image with Online Video

  • Did you know that 55% of people watch online videos each and every day? Video has become a major marketing tool for small business owners, and incorporating video onto your company website can yield big results. And there are several things you can do to boost your brand with online video. Today I will share some tips and tricks that can help build your business and attract new customers time and time again. So, how do business owners use online video for…
    Optimize YouTube videos for Local SEO

    How to Optimize YouTube Videos for Local SEO

  • Did you know that YouTube is the second-largest search engine behind Google? But only 5% of small businesses use YouTube videos for marketing. That means it’s very likely your competitors are not using YouTube either, which is good news for you! But if you want to start leveraging video in your marketing strategy, you must know how to optimize your YouTube videos for local SEO. When people think about “local SEO”, optimizing their website comes to mind first. And it…

    Video: Which Marketing Message Is More Effective? You be the Judge

  • In this episode of Strategic Marketing Tips we compare two TV ads. You be the judge! Which marketing message to you think is more effective in converting prospects, and how can you apply this strategy to your own business? Watch the short video and share your comments - I'd love to hear your thoughts! Transcript: I've noticed recently in our TV market, two Personal Injury law firms, doing a lot of advertising. And to me, there's no comparison on who…