
The Best Content Marketing Strategy for Commercial Cleaning

Best Content Marketing Strategy for Commercial Cleaning

If you’ve spent some time networking and getting the word out about your commercial cleaning business but aren’t at the level of success you were hoping for, you might want to consider setting up a content marketing strategy for your cleaning business. By using content marketing, you can get targeted traffic to your website, which can help increase your customer base. In this post, you’ll learn the best content marketing strategy for commercial cleaning and how to use content marketing to grow your cleaning business.

Build a foundation for long term organic traffic

Here’s the thing, a lot of people look at using online marketing for their cleaning business like an overnight success kind of thing. The reality is, that is not how digital marketing works.

The good news is that the content marketing strategy you will learn in this post can help you to build a long term foundation for traffic and leads for your business. It doesn’t happen overnight, but once this system is built, it continues to work for your business 24/7 year-round.

Another thing to consider is that even if you are successful using offline strategies like networking, digital marketing is something you should be doing. If you aren’t using a digital marketing strategy your competition will, and you could quickly start to lose market share from companies that are using a content marketing strategy.

Optimize your SEO

Part of building a content marketing system is going to be optimizing your website for local SEO. Doing this is actually simpler than you think.

The first step is to do some keyword research on what are the most important terms for your cleaning business. Some of the essential terms, for example, are things like “commercial cleaning”, “janitorial services”, “office cleaning”, “commercial cleaning services”, etc.

We’ll cover more on optimizing specific pages with these terms in mind further in this post, but realize you want to build out content around these key terms.

Some simple tips are to use these terms in the URL of the webpage you create, and to use them in the headlines on the page.

Establish credibility

Another benefit of building a content marketing system for your commercial cleaning business is that it can help establish credibility for your business in the marketplace. When people come to your website and see that it is outdated, and has little to no content, it immediately throws up red flags in their minds.

People want to do business with experts in their craft, and when your website looks like it hasn’t been updated in years, they associate that with your brand. Most people will think that if they can’t build a professional website, maybe they don’t do a professional job of cleaning either.

Also, many people who visit your site for the first time are going to be in research mode, or are deciding on what cleaning business to work with. If they come to your site and don’t see content around their industry or services that they need, they will likely move on to the next company.

When you have specialized industry and services content, it positions your company as an expert or at the very least, shows that you have some level of experience in those services and industries.

Make sure your cleaning company website is secure

Before you even get into the content marketing strategy for your cleaning business you need to make your website secure. Having a secure website is a key component of optimizing your cleaning company website.

As you can see in the photo below there is a padlock next to the website URL. This is how you can quickly tell if the site is secure or not.

When the website is secure, it means it is set up with https:// rather than just http://. When a website is not secure, in some browsers it actually shows a warning message to someone trying to access the site.

This warning can be enough to scare people away from your website before they even get there. Making your website secure is not that difficult or expensive. Simply reach out to the hosting company of your website and their customer service should be able to walk you through setting this up.

Optimize your home page with a headline and tagline

There are several areas you should spend time on with your content marketing strategy and the first should be optimizing your homepage. For most people, this is the first place they will go to when they begin their research process on your business.

If your home page isn’t set up properly and is lacking information, people will leave as soon as they arrive. The first step of optimizing your home page is to create a headline and tagline that highlights your core difference.

As you can see in the photo below, the headline states what the company does, commercial cleaning, janitorial cleaning, and office cleaning. Then the tagline highlights the major benefit of working with their company, “reliability”.

Highlight the benefits of working with your cleaning business throughout your content marketing strategy

Another aspect that should be included on your home page is a section highlighting the benefits of working with your business. Most cleaning business websites only highlight the features of the business.

For example, they may just list that they do things like carpet cleaning, floor cleaning, window washing, clean restrooms, etc. Certainly, these things are important to list, but they shouldn’t be the only thing you list on your home page.

Most people see one commercial cleaning business as the exact same as any other commercial cleaning business. To make your commercial cleaning business stand out, don’t just list features, highlight all of the benefits to working with you.

This is another picture from one of our client’s home page that highlights why people should hire them and the benefits of doing so.

Use positive reviews to build social proof for your cleaning business

Another part of a successful homepage for a cleaning company should include reviews from clients. Naturally, everyone with a business is likely going to say that they are the best, or that they are better than their competition in some way.

At the same time, when everyone is saying that, who do consumers know who to trust? Well, that is where reviews come in to play. If your cleaning business has a lot of positive reviews, and a good reputation, the more likely someone is going to do business with you.

If positive reviews help to increase conversions, it would make sense to highlight these on your homepage as well. It’s one thing to talk about how great your company is, but it’s even better to have your satisfied customers do that for you.

Check out the photo below to see how one of our clients highlights their positive reviews on their website.

Build service pages

With the basics of your homepage set up, the next step of your content marketing strategy is to build out your service pages on your website. Most people have a general idea of what a commercial cleaning business does for cleaning, however, not all companies do the same thing.

This is why you should build out services pages on your website. A service page simply covers more in-depth on the features, benefits, and processes of a specific service your cleaning business offers.

For example, you may specialize in floor care. At the same time, there are several kinds of floor care you may provide. You could provide concrete floor polishing, hardwood floor care, tile floor care, carpet cleaning, and many more options as well.

When someone is in need of a particular service, and your website doesn’t list that service, most people assume you don’t offer that service. Even if you do provide that service, people may still be under the impression that you don’t specialize in it or have much experience in it if it isn’t listed on your website.

Building a service page can help you establish your company as an expert in providing that service, and it can help bring targeted traffic looking for that service through local SEO.

Build industry pages

Similar to service pages, you’ll also want to create industry pages. An industry page is when you highlight the features, benefits, services, and processes you use related to specific industries.

For example, you might create an industry page that is focused on cleaning for schools and educational facilities. In this type of industry, you will likely need to highlight services like cleaning for health, sanitizing and disinfecting, restroom cleaning, and floor polishing.

If you have specialized processes you use in schools or other related features or benefits of your company related to that industry, you should mention those as well.

Again with the school cleaning example, it would make sense to highlight a feature of thorough background checks on your employees, and a low turnover rate in your company. People hiring a cleaning company for cleaning educational facilities are looking for high safety and security standards so highlight that on your industry page.

When creating an industry page, make sure to highlight how you solve that industry’s problems, and how your services address clients in that industry and their needs.

Build location pages

If you want targeted local traffic to your website, your content marketing strategy for your commercial cleaning business should include location pages as well. Location pages can help to optimize SEO for cleaning companies.

A location page consists of a brief overview of your services, some relevant details of industries you serve, and benefits of your services, as well as some details mentioning the location you service.

You should also link out to pages relevant to that location. For example, you might link to the city’s home page. This is an example of a city page for Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Another thing to include on this page is an embedded map of the city you are servicing. By linking to city pages, and embedding a map it can help to associate your location page with that specific city. What this does is it can help your location page show up when people search for terms like “commercial cleaning near me” or “commercial cleaning Boston*”.

*Simply insert your city name you are trying to rank for.

Create blog content to reach other popular keywords

While optimizing your homepage, creating service pages and industry pages and location pages will hit a lot of your main keywords, it won’t optimize for everything. The last part of optimizing your SEO is going to be to create blog content for your content marketing strategy.

The benefit of writing blogs is that you are able to address other problems and pain points of your ideal customers and provide solutions to those. Doing this can help position your company as an industry expert, it builds credibility, and it can help you rank for other keywords that your other website pages may have missed.

You’ve probably heard of the 80/20 rule in that 80% of your actions in an area will account for about 20% of the results.  This concept also applies to the ratio of how much “selling” or self-promotion you should do in your content marketing compared to the value-based content you provide.

Most of your content like location pages, and industry pages will be more self-promotion rather than value-based, and the only value-based aspect is highlighting the benefits to your customers.

With blog posts, you are much better able to focus on leading with value first and selling your services on the back end. This is an important aspect of your content marketing strategy as it allows you to sell without being pushy or salesy. Be sure to include blogging into your content marketing strategy for this reason.

Develop congruent lead magnets to promote your cleaning services

An additional step you could implement in your content marketing strategy is to develop a lead magnet that is congruent with your cleaning services. For example, if you specialized in floor care and floor maintenance, you might create a guide on floor care maintenance tips to help your floors last 10 years longer.

By creating lead magnets such as this that are congruent with the end services you offer, it can be a great way to generate leads for your cleaning business.

As you generate leads and build an email list, this can be a great market to promote your future content. It can also be used to create audiences for Facebook advertising.

Link relevant pages together

The final step of this content marketing strategy for commercial cleaning businesses is to link all of these relevant content pages together on your website. For example, if you wrote a blog post on floor care tips, you might link that back to your floor care services page.

On your disinfecting services page, you could link that to your school cleaning industry page as those are relevant to each other. Doing this linking strategy helps associate content that is relevant to each other and helps search engines like Google recognize this as well.

Following this linking strategy can help convert visitors to blog content and pages into leads and customers. This linking strategy can also help your pages rank better on organic search. It can also help keep people on your website longer.

The longer people are on your website, the more likely they will become leads and choose you over the competition. A content marketing strategy that includes interlinking can accomplish this goal.


Overall, there are a lot of moving parts that you need to address when you create a content marketing strategy for a commercial cleaning company. The good news is that once this system is built it can continue to bring in targeted traffic to your website and help to generate consistent leads.

Optimizing your homepage should be your first priority. From there you should follow up with building out service pages, industry pages, and location pages. Finally, you want to add in blog posts as a method to target other relevant keywords that haven’t been addressed yet. Doing this can continue to grow your organic traffic.

This content marketing strategy takes time, but once in place, you can reap the rewards for years to come.

P.S. If you are struggling to get quality leads for your cleaning business, Click Here to Learn How to Get More Clients for your business with these Top 10 Lead Sources For Cleaning Business Owners.