
SEO Guide

Effective SEO Guide for Your Cleaning Business

  • In the past, consumers interested in hiring a cleaning business would just consult family members, friends, neighbors, and even the yellow pages. SEO was just a collection of letters, nothing more. Now? The internet has bumped these previously trusted sources lower down the list. 97% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses before they choose a service provider— 12% search for local businesses online daily. The last place a consumer would search would be the yellow pages (if they…
    Marketing plan for quick results

    Marketing Plan to Increase Your Customer Base Quickly

  • Your business started strong, but as time passes, you find that the same old marketing techniques you've been using no longer work to increase your customer base. Maybe you faithfully attend your BNI chapter meetings in hopes of reaping in referrals, but they're just not rolling in. Or perhaps you started out with solid marketing practices, but as you got busy, they fell by the wayside, as did the growth of your business. How can you get yourself back in…
    Effective Offline Marketing Strategies

    30 Effective Offline Marketing Strategies for Local Businesses

  • Nearly every business owner realizes the importance of an online presence. Local SEO is an important way to get your business in front of customers, but we don’t want to forget about offline marketing strategies. Although this offline marketing has seemed to go by the wayside, it still has its place when you need to drum up new business or simply spark new interest with old business contacts. If you’re looking for offline marketing strategies, these 30 ideas can be effective for…
    What's missing in your marketing?

    Video – What’s Missing in Your Marketing?

  • Marketing is hard, isn’t it? And it's not getting any easier as fast as things change. What worked just a few short years ago may not work today. If you're tired of struggling with marketing and spending money on hit-or-miss tactics that just don't seem to work, then you'll want to watch this video to find out what's missing in your marketing. Most people don't think of marketing as a system, but I'd like to suggest that it's the most important…
    Are you tossing your money at marketing tactics, hoping something will stick?

    Do You Have a Marketing Strategy? Or Do You Use Marketing Tactics and Hope Something Sticks?

  • No matter what kind of business you own, you must become good at marketing -- because without customers you have no business. But many business owners make the mistake of trying a whole bunch of marketing tactics, believing that this is a good marketing strategy. Believe me when I say... it's not. Many business owners tend to use many marketing tactics without having a marketing strategy. It's kind of like tossing your money at whatever seems to be a good…